Many people don’t believe in love and believe that love doesn’t exist.
Prior to attending our Awakening to True Love Workshop, here are the top 40 reasons love does not exist:
1. If you fall in love with someone it is only based on your perception of that person at the time. It is unrealistic to think they could be like that in real life. When you find out, the love you had fades away.
2. Love is lust’s wanting to own and control someone else for regular source of sex supply.
3. Being in love is the same chemical reaction in humans as eating a volume of chocolate.
4. Love is a repackaging of a system that justifies manipulation and control to get what you want from someone else.
5. Love victimizes the person in a relationship that is weaker.
6. Love is an excuse used to encourage someone to play the martyr in the name of love.
7. People are selfish, so they use love to get what they need.
8. People who are in long-term relationships only survive because one of them gives up and gives in to make it last.
9. Love brings nothing but pain and disappointment.
10. Love can bring happiness but only for a while, then it fades and disappears altogether.
11. If you deeply love someone else, they will disrespect you and always be looking for someone else to make them feel good, no matter how hard you try.
12. If people could commit and keep their word, love could be possible, because they cannot, it is not.
13. My parents said they loved each other, got married, had us, were never happy and are divorced. There is no such thing as love.
14. Scientists have proven there is no such thing as love. It is a chemical reaction in the brain associated with the hormone called Oxytocin.
15. Since there is no concrete definition of love, what it is, what it means, two different people could not plausibly share the so called, “love.”
16. The feeling of love may last for a moment, but not for long, then it’s time to move on to the next one.
17. Long-lasting love isn’t anything more than a fairy tale told by fantasizing mothers to their daughters.
18. One’s ability to love changes with their moods, so there is no such thing as true love. You love when you feel good, not so much when you’re not feeling good.
19. Love requires trust. Since you cannot ever really trust anyone else, you can’t have love.
20. Look at the rate of divorce, it tells you love is not real.
21. People who are married for a long time fake it to make it.
22. I won’t ever love somebody, because I am honest. No one can love an honest person. If you want love, you must be a liar.
23. Back in the day they came up with the idea of love an marriage as a way to survive on the farm. Now, we know better.
24. If anyone could have loved me, I would believe. Since no one could do it, I don’t believe in it.
25. I believe I can love someone but cannot believe anyone can love me, like I can love them, so there is no love it if it is one-sided.
26. If you fall in love with someone, get ready to have your heart broken, lose everything and never believe in love again.
27. Being in love with someone is foolish and dangerous. Only an idiot would fall in love, and I’ve been an idiot more than once. Not doing it again.
28. Love is an outdated dream, that cannot be realized in modern times.
29. Men do not have a capacity or capability to love, so cross-sexual love is not possible.
30. The idea of love is inside your head and cannot be realized in real life. Love is an illusion.
31. You can love everyone, or no one, but you will never find “the one” you can love forever. That is ridiculous.
32. Love is not love, it is an addiction. You can’t help looking for love because you’re addicted to it, and you will never find enough of it to satisfy once an for all.
33. People fall in love with things that fade with the time and end up being in love with what doesn’t exist (or may have existed earlier).
34. If you’re saving your love for the perfect person, forget it no one is perfect.
35. Why does everyone even talk about love? It’s just a word you say, when you want to get laid.
36. Love implies commitment. No one can commit to anything in our disposable society today.
37. In humans, love is polyamorous. To expect monogamy from a species designed to enjoy multiple partners is just wrong.
38. True love is really only lust that morphs into friendship and may be survivable in the long run, if you’re willing to lower your expectations.
39. Love is a government imposed scam to create more taxpayers and consumers.
40. There is no such thing as love. If true love were possible, you wouldn’t be asking me that question, would you?
Why do you think love doesn’t exist?
See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.
I’m ready for death to take me now.
Is it possible that being in love with one person but have sex with another person?
Love exist , my parent have a relationships for 25 years , and I see it in many many people in love but I’m spanish latino and I can say that love is the most beautiful thing in the world but you can not be a coward if you wanna enjoy the only thing that is worth in this world .
love exist fact 1. you may ask yourself why men exist why women exist
2.why your mom love you
3.why you make heart beat when you see your DNA him/her
4.why in all religion say Love
love existed before life my friend one such thing people like to say is when they see higher number of divorces increase and around 2_25old marriags divorce and this becomefact toyou toprove that Love doesn’t exist no this can’t be fact brother may fact one partner is lazy to learn his partner.
“if you want to live in Forest with lion you must learn to run then you will survive”
“if you expect happiness in commitment you get tear in your tie”
“there is no experience in Love” I mean professionals who can fall in Love with all type of girls or boys. only experience can be found between you and your partner.
Maybe it is not so much love that is important, it is hope. Hope of something deeper in this world of consumption and gaining. I don’t know if Love exists, but I hope it does. That makes living more worthwhile. I thought I found true love but this person would not come out of the closet and mentally drained me. If love, as people have imagined it exists, these issues would not come in the way of it. So yeah it puts me in the middle of all of these comments
I have been asking around a lot of married people and couples, and it seems in order to keep the marriages going or the relationships lasting, someone has to endure a great deal of pain and sacrifice… what I have discovered about love is that only one person can love the other consistently and forever and that person is normally the one who endures all the hurt, embarrassment and torture from the selfishness and carelessness of their partner, and usually it’s that persons love that keeps them together… Meanwhile the other person will be in control of the relationship because they are less invested… so it is fair to say there is no true love because true love requires sacrifice and effort from both parties… there is only unrequited love and that is the reality, find someone who loves you more than you love them and you will be happy.
Love isn’t real, basically if your not social awkward or if your attractive you can find a partner. If not your screwed so I’m screwed
-Attractive people believe in love, its called their options. Unattractive people seek validation, they call it love. -Why would people believe that the only thing that A God can provide can also come from a human? A God will always have an existence on earth and ALL humans will eventually not. -You don’t believe in love, because your intelligent. Human pain and suffering is the fastest way to learn anything.
Love a four letter word that is abused often.
We all want to believe that true love exist, and I am sure it does exist but it’s rare..
So for the Romantics out there don’t lose your hope in finding that one special person.
We all have been hurt by another person we open our heart to and they betrayed us, so let’s not give up, we just need to guard our hearts.
#29 should say women. I am a man who have loved a women and I let myself get pushed around and knocked down so we could still be in “love” but I can’t stand it anymore I still “love” her but I feel like I’m being abused mentally and physically and I would never do that to any women.
Dear readers, this article is just a prep for you all to find out Love does exist via the author’s workshop.
He attests to this as he has, ‘reconnect(ed) with his Higher Source,” something that was hard to do after losing his son on Afghanistan.
(You’ll notice though that that is not about Eros which is what his list is about)
And that’s the key, being known by a ‘Higher Source,’ Love, and from your side, “loving ‘Love’ with all your heart and mind and body and soul. That’s the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, love thy neighbor as thy self. On these two hang ask the law and prophets.” Very old saying that. Another word for Love is the old germanic word, ‘God.’
You will find that to love is to care. And to care is to serve. If you find you’re not loving others and yourself very well, you’re either not loving Love enough to actually learn/know what Love is, or you are loving a false love. You’ll know that you’ve got the right love if, in addition to it encompassing complete power, it is humble which in turn will make you humble, which humility is required in order to truly serve. False love by it’s nature cannot be humble. You’ll need to study Love in order to find out what humble means though; it ain’t mamby pamby.
Don’t worry about eros, romantic love. Become a fellow servant with actual Love and you’ll find that people are attracted to you. Maybe eros will come to you. Maybe it won’t. But Love itself will.
Love exists and it is a person. The perfect servant … this is actually the only thing I truly know. All the rest is mystery. The mystery of Love’s revelation to us.
Service, caring, Love is badly needed in this world. Join Love’s team and help spread it.
Love has Never existed…. It has always been an illusion and people tend to feel bad once the illusion fades away…love doesn’t exist know this and know peace… There’s nothing wrong with you it’s just that love doesn’t exist
Love was very real years ago when the good old fashioned women were around.
Years ago back in the old days love was real, and not today unfortunately.
I’m filled with emotions.i believe we are going through hurt ,betrayal,disappointment which feels like a stab in the back FROM THE VERY same person that looked you in the eyes and all you saw was love love love love love !but they hurt us in a way we would never do them and yet again,with all honesty ,we still show them love. Let’s give up on finding true love. That fairy tale love?! It’s not real.lets rather just enjoy being in the company of significant others.lets live life with the company of others.but don’t you dare fall for the trap :”and they lived happily ever after ” but Dont go out there and decieve people with saying you love them to get what you want don’t be that person but don’t you dare continue being your life.another person’s love should be an extension of your love for yourself. And oh stop having high expectations from people and projecting you being good to them being good too .
To love yourself.
Your right, love doesn’t exist until it’s created, cars didn’t exist until they were created, the person who invented the first car was told that it would be impossible, now it’s daily use of transport, the desk didn’t exist until it was created, and sadness didn’t exist until it was created therefore, love doesn’t exist until it’s created, and nothing is impossible, whether good or bad, you can do what ever you want literally, meaning that you can also create whatever you want, whether good or bad but it doesn’t mean it will be easy,but for real though it’s litterly possible to do whatever you want, whether good or bad, you just have to rely on your morals
Oh my gosh,why are you blaming love when it’s the persons fault, listen, love is on its own, you cannot blame love for people getting hurt, it’s like blaming a gun for murder or genitals for rape, it makes no sense, you cannot blame love for people hurting you because its that person HURTING YOU,my grand parents have been together since grade 1 and nerver hurted each other, oh yeah, if you have seen literally everyone single persons romantic relationship, I can tell you my friends relationship is great and always has been. And are you seriously judging love by unloyalty, not every one is unloyal, why are you hating love and saying it doesn’t exist if
1. You never dated every single human on earth
2. Your judging from your own experiences
3. You only judging love from the negative Side, have you experienced the positive side of love
4, your judging every relationship that failed, and never the ones that succeded
This is clearly unfair to all great relationships that you and I know exists, please stop it, stop blaming love for what people do
Stop blaming love for what you experienced
And stop blaming love for what you have never seen or felt,seriously, I thought you adults were mature to understand the difference between love and people but no for some reason adults think that love(a deep and intimate affection for someone or something)and lust(a strong sexual desire) and pain are the same thing , when they all have their own separate definitions this is a stupid article on someone basing love on their experience, let me put it in this way on how they are doing it, for example
People say assualt is traumtizing yet you never experience assualt, so in relation to this topic, I say go to prison and drop the soap, you may know the answer, but you may be thinking,but assault is traumatizing have you seen the stories and the cases
In that case,how can you say love is not real even if their are stories of people in love and couples happily in love, how can you say love is not real from couples and people in the first place when it’s clearly on its own and what people FEEL, how can you say love is not real if you never even tried to see proof yourself, how can you say love is not real if you never been in a relationship and if you love yourself, you just proved that love does exist, cause you love your self, listen I’m fine if people do not want to fall in love nor want to be in this relationship, if this article was done by opinion, then this comment im typing right now and the comment you are reading right know wouldnt exist,well, here’s the harsh truth whether you like or not,love exists,and your feelings arent going to change a fact, if you hate love nor don’t want to be in love, then dont, it’s simple, you don’t have to be in a relationship, you don’t have to get married, and you especially don’t have to have sex, romantic love and friendship love are wants not needs, so if you want to die alone, then go ahead, die alone, no one is stopping you, not even your mother, but don’t you dare ever say love doesn’t exist, just because of negative statistics, or experience, love is a feeling, just like happiness and sadness, and that never changes,your belief of love not existing basically idiotic,but every one has the right to belief, even if its immoral, i respect that, so you can keep your belief that love doesnt exist, and no one can change that, but many people do believe that love does exist because of what they have experienced especially me, so whether you think love exists or not,please just respect people who believe love exists and people who don’t believe love exists, our beliefs are our choice and evreryone hasthe right to belief and choice, even if it’s immoral, come on, I’m supposed to be in the adult world yet get this nonsense, this is worse than my grade 1 class, come on
With the kind of women out there nowadays which makes it very difficult to find love today unfortunately, unlike years ago love was real.
I’ve had this nagging feeling for a long time that true love doesn’t exist and it is all but a phase. Today, I get some news that confirms it with the truth. My parents have been married for well over 20 years and today my Mom tells me she’s thinking of putting money back to leave the house and move to a different part of the state. This is because she’s unhappy and my Dad seems to get mad at her more often than he used to. Before he retired, she used to think he was mad because he was stressed from work, though that was not the case, he’s been like this since retirement. While they do sleep in separate beds (mainly because my Dad might need more room to stretch out because of his knee and a dog) a few years ago when my Mom was not able to go to a conference with him he had told her he was no longer sexually attracted to her. The whole thing upset me and divorce might be imminent (especially when I was younger my parents had separated and my Mom and I lived in a different state, I did not know the real reason until years ago). If people can grow apart and love can fade, the lesson of true love our families, tv shows, movies, among others have taught us is a lie. Many people I know and family members who have gotten divorced has me believing this. Sorry, love angels, the love wave is really not worth protecting, if it even existed at all (this is from the anime Wedding Peach).
There is debate in the class and I’m in the group which will be in the favour of the topic that love doesn’t exist.
So,please give me some information to prove that love doesn’t exist.
God is Love.
Whoever here says that love doesn’t exist are already dead souls. You have a very limited perception of what love is. Love is just like life, it is what you make it. The day someone you care for and loved with all your soul, be it your pet, be it your mom, your dad, your brother or sister, even your ex, son or daughter, or best friend dies, than you oblivious folks will remember that love does exist, it’s just not what you think it is, you have forgotten and it is up to you to remember and reignite that inner spark inside of you. Love only can exist if your intention is to love. Love isn’t just sex, I feel that’s pretty much all you can think of what ot should be. True love is unconditional a goes far beyond the 40 points made here, which are in reality 40 walls rather than points.
Love is a four letter word men use to minioulate, dominate abuse and control you with. Trust no man believe no lie. Rely on no one and your life won’t be side tracked, derailed, destroyed.
I feel that love even from parents is an illusion. Lots of mothers and fathers claim to love their children. But they expect something from their children – a certain career, care-taking services, or money AND if they don’t get what they want when children grow up, their love ends. So, parental love is just as much an illusion. Your parents never loved you – they just fucked one day and enjoyed the moment, which resulted in you – nothing more, nothing less.
There is always hope for love, which may also be an illusion but why not have good dreams instead of bad? Is not love and life a dream after all?
Love doesn’t exist because its obvious. The Bible says its better NOT to marry lol! Because everything that happens after that is your own fault. Pretty much. No one owns their problems anymore. End of story.
Hot potato.
Love doesn’t exist. It’s just a glamourised made up concept to make our lives “more enjoyable”. But you know what? It actually makes our lives worse. High expectations, feeling high on “love” was never going to last. Becuase in the end, they’ll always end up dissapointing you.
Man! That was savage and straight up lol!
I am so sorry for all the pain, neglect and abuse you experienced. No person should have to go through that. Wishing you healing, good health and joy.
U re very correct,love is pains and manipulation there’s no such thing as love.
It’s women who can’t love. The constant need for attention and objectification, sought from virtually every possible source at all times while actually never being satisfied. At least a man is capable of being loyal.
These 40 statements need to be redressed, since I believe, in my 54 years and having a memory bank like a steel trap, that Romantic love is far more important than familial love. The adage, “Blood is thicker than water”, is a deviation from its original meaning. “Blood of the Covenant” is the true adage, which stresses that we love who we choose to love. And the reasons why people love can vary among individuals. But it is not mutually exclusive to those who we have familial ties. If someone has fallen in love with us, this means they admire, desire and adore us for who we are, not because they feel obligated for familial reasons.
I agree so much! I used to always believe in true love when I was younger and that I’d find my ‘prince charming.’ It’s sad really.
Thanks for proving their point. #embarrassing male moment
Typical comment *facepalm*
Love is understanding, nothing else exist apart from kindness
Some of you got it right….. love does actually exist, just not in the way that most people will ever recognize. I think the most important point about love, is finding someone that loves the same way you yourself do. I will say that is nearly more impossible than nearly anything a person may do in life. We all love, and expect to be Loved in a very similar way, but that doesn’t really happen….. then we believe we got screwed by love (or at very least by the one we gave that love to) I truly believe if we could all find someone that loves in the exact way that we do….. that we would find that happiness that makes that fairytale love!
Love is something that people used to tell me that you need to earn, it doesn’t just come to you like a friend or family type of love
True love only exist in movies and Fairytales. The love that exist in this world is just an illusion, nothing else!!!
He says Love does not exist… but then lists out all these things that Love “is” and things that Love does. How could Love not exist but then also be something or do something? His logic is flawed. Maybe he just does not like what Love is or does, but that does not mean that Love does not exist. And Love doesn’t “not exist” just because he says it does not exist.
Yo it seems like all the people commenting on here are reading this because they’ve gotten their hearts broken… I’m reading this to write a research paper, and don’t actually agree with the sentiments in the article. I respect the opinion of the author, but it altogether is just an opinion piece with a concerning lack of evidence. Love is not wasted, even if it’s fleeting, and I want everyone here to remember that! Even if your love didn’t last, it doesn’t mean it didn’t matter.
You are right. Our kind (human) was made to switch partners, but because of the law and the woman, we are only allowed to have one. I mean, why? Because in one way, we also are animals but very smart animals, but still, since that femdom, Kill-All-Men trash we are lost and yeah……
it is hard
Bro’s mad cause he gets slapped with the truth
2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 22, 24, 25, 35, 36
All of those touched a nerve.
My theory is this: each one of us will only live a little while – maybe 8 decades, if we’re lucky. In that brief blip of time, there are only so many experiences we can each possibly have. Some of us will know true love, raise a good family, and die surrounded by our caring descendants. Others among us will carry on in silent isolation. Others will be raped to death behind a gas station. Some will barely take a few breaths upon being born, then expire in the delivery room. The vastness of our experiences cannot be adequately explained here, but you can get the idea of what I mean. So, in this grand scale, it seems quite likely that a lot of us might not experience love. Our lives remain valuable. We carry on. Sometimes it feels like a painful disfigurement, like some sort of congenital defect. But, like those poor people disfigured by Thalidomide in the old days, there’s really nothing much anyone can do about it, is there? You either choose to carry on and look for what’s good about this life, or you… don’t.